SMARTPAY is utilizing your study and grace period to start repaying your loan and making your payments consistently and on time during repayment.


Why make SMART payments?

Pay early and save, interest is calculated on the reducing balance, so the smaller the balance the  less interest you have to pay:

  • Paying early equals less stress in the future
  • Payments made during your agreed study period is interest free (for loans opened after 2010)
  • Pay early to help another deserving Barbadian
  • During study and grace you can pay whatever you can afford
  • The more you repay the more you will be able to apply for with our Top Up Loan.


Where can you SMARTPAY?

Secure Online Portal


For more payment options, borrowers can SMARTPAY using any of our payment methods found here.

Have something to say?

Reach out to the Student Revolving Loan Fund today.